Category Central AC

Central air conditioning, a widely used system in residential and commercial buildings, is designed to cool the entire structure efficiently. Unlike individual room air conditioners, a central AC system consists of two main components: an outdoor unit (containing the compressor and condenser) and an indoor unit (usually combined with a furnace or air handler).

The system works by circulating cool air through a system of supply and return ducts. Air is cooled as it passes over a cold evaporator coil in the indoor unit. The cooled air is then circulated throughout the building via ducts, eventually returning to the air conditioner through return ducts.

Central air conditioning is known for its efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining a consistent temperature throughout a building. It’s also quieter and less obtrusive than multiple room units. Additionally, it can improve indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants and maintaining optimal humidity levels. However, its installation and maintenance require professional handling, and the initial investment can be significant compared to other cooling options.