Why Your Furnace Keeps Needing to be Reset and How to Fix It

Experiencing frequent resets with your furnace can be both frustrating and concerning. A furnace that consistently requires resetting is signaling that there’s an underlying issue needing attention. Understanding why your furnace keeps needing a reset and knowing how to address these issues can ensure your heating system operates efficiently and safely. Here’s an insight into why this happens and how you can fix it.

Common Reasons Why Your Furnace Keeps Tripping the Reset Button

  1. Overheating: If your furnace overheats, it may trip the reset button as a safety measure. Overheating can be caused by restricted airflow due to dirty filters, blocked vents, or issues with the blower motor.
  2. Ignition or Flame Problems: Problems with the ignition system, such as a dirty flame sensor or a malfunctioning pilot light, can cause the furnace to shut off as a precaution.
  3. Electrical Issues: Loose wiring, short circuits, or electrical surges can trip the furnace’s reset button. Electrical issues may need professional diagnosis and repair.
  4. Fuel Supply Problems: For gas or oil furnaces, inconsistent or inadequate fuel supply can lead to furnace shutdowns. This could be due to blockages, leaks, or pressure issues.

How to Address the Frequent Resets

  1. Change or Clean Filters: Regularly replacing or cleaning your furnace filters can prevent overheating due to restricted airflow.
  2. Check and Clean Vents: Ensure all vents and registers in your home are open and unblocked. This helps maintain proper airflow through your furnace.
  3. Inspect the Blower Motor: Listen for any unusual noises coming from the blower motor. If it seems to be struggling or not running at all, it may need cleaning or servicing.
  4. Clean the Flame Sensor: A dirty flame sensor can be gently cleaned with fine emery cloth. Be careful not to damage it.
  5. Check Electrical Connections: Visually inspect for any loose or frayed wires. However, do not attempt to fix electrical connections unless you have the appropriate skills. When in doubt, call a professional.
  6. Examine Fuel Lines (for gas or oil furnaces): Check for any obvious signs of blockage or leakage. This is also a task best left to professionals.

When to Call a Professional

  • If you’re unsure about performing any of the above tasks.
  • If the furnace continues to trip the reset button after you’ve performed basic troubleshooting.
  • If you suspect electrical issues or fuel supply problems.
  • If you notice any signs of damage to the furnace components.

Preventative Maintenance

  • Regular Inspections: Have your furnace inspected and serviced by a professional annually, ideally before the heating season begins.
  • Monitor Your Furnace: Pay attention to any unusual signs such as strange noises, smells, or frequent cycling on and off.


A furnace that frequently needs resetting is an indication of a deeper issue that needs addressing. While some fixes can be DIY, understanding when to call in a professional is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your furnace. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to issues can prevent the need for frequent resets and ensure your furnace runs smoothly.

Swift Taylor
Swift Taylor
Articles: 43

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