How to Reset the Leak Sensor on Your Rheem Water Heater

If your Rheem water heater has alerted you to a leak, or if you’ve resolved an issue that previously triggered the leak sensor, resetting the sensor is an important next step. The leak sensor in Rheem water heaters is a safety feature designed to detect water leaks and prevent potential water damage or other related problems. Here’s how to reset the leak sensor on your Rheem water heater, ensuring it continues to monitor your system effectively.

Understanding the Leak Sensor

The leak sensor is typically located at the base of your Rheem water heater. It’s designed to detect any presence of water that might indicate a leak. When water is detected, the sensor triggers an alarm or shuts down the system to prevent further issues.

Step 1: Ensure Safety

Before attempting to reset the leak sensor, make sure to turn off the power to your water heater. This can be done at the circuit breaker panel. Safety should always be your first priority.

Step 2: Dry the Area

If the leak sensor was triggered by actual water leakage, it’s crucial to first address the source of the leak and dry the area completely. If the sensor was triggered without a real leak (e.g., due to high humidity or a spill), ensure the sensor and its surrounding area are dry.

Step 3: Locate the Leak Sensor

Find the leak sensor at the base of your Rheem water heater. Depending on your model, it might be visible or located behind a panel.

Step 4: Reset the Leak Sensor

To reset the sensor, you may need to:

  • Press and hold a reset button on the sensor itself, if available.
  • For some models, disconnecting and then reconnecting the sensor can reset it.
  • Refer to your water heater’s manual for specific instructions related to your model, as the resetting process can vary.

Step 5: Restore Power and Test

After resetting the sensor, turn the power back on to your water heater. Monitor the water heater for a while to ensure that the sensor doesn’t trigger again, indicating that there are no more leaks.

Step 6: Monitor for Further Leaks

Keep an eye on the area around your water heater for the next few days to ensure there are no signs of leakage. If the leak sensor triggers again without the presence of water, it may be malfunctioning and require professional attention.

When to Call a Professional

  • If you cannot locate or reset the leak sensor by yourself.
  • If the water heater continues to indicate a leak after you’ve reset the sensor and addressed any water issues.
  • If you’re unsure about any part of the process or if you suspect the sensor is malfunctioning.


Resetting the leak sensor on your Rheem water heater is a straightforward process that is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your appliance. Regular checks for leaks and prompt attention to any water heater issues are essential for preventing water damage and ensuring the longevity of your water heater. If you encounter any difficulties or if the sensor continues to indicate a problem, seeking professional help is recommended.

Swift Taylor
Swift Taylor
Articles: 43

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