Troubleshooting Your GE Dishwasher: Resetting the Heating Element

Dealing with a GE dishwasher that isn’t functioning correctly can be a hassle, especially if it involves the heating element. The heating element in your dishwasher is crucial for drying dishes and enhancing the washing process. If you suspect that the heating element in your GE dishwasher isn’t working as it should, a reset might be necessary. Here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and reset the heating element in your GE dishwasher.

Understanding the Role of the Heating Element

The heating element in a dishwasher serves two primary functions: it heats the water during the wash cycle and helps dry the dishes during the drying cycle. If your dishes are not coming out as clean as usual or they are still wet post-cycle, the heating element might be at fault.

Step 1: Disconnect the Power

Before you begin any troubleshooting, safety comes first. Ensure that your dishwasher is completely disconnected from the power source. This can be done by unplugging the unit or turning off the power at the circuit breaker.

Step 2: Perform a Basic Reset

Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve the issue. To reset your GE dishwasher:

  • Press and hold the Start or Reset button on the dishwasher’s control panel for a few seconds.
  • Wait for the dishwasher to go through a brief reset cycle, which usually lasts around 2 minutes.
  • After the reset, run a wash cycle to check if the heating element is functioning correctly.

Step 3: Inspect the Heating Element (if accessible)

If the basic reset doesn’t work, you might need to visually inspect the heating element:

  • Remove the bottom rack of the dishwasher to access the heating element.
  • Visually inspect the element for any signs of damage, such as burns or breaks.
  • If you observe noticeable damage, the element may need to be replaced.

Step 4: Check the High-Limit Thermostat

The high-limit thermostat is a safety device that prevents the dishwasher from overheating. If it trips, the heating element won’t work:

  • Locate the high-limit thermostat; you may need to consult your dishwasher’s manual.
  • Use a multimeter to test the thermostat for continuity.
  • If the thermostat is defective, replacing it might resolve the issue.

Step 5: Consider the Control Board and Wiring

Sometimes the issue lies with the control board or wiring:

  • Inspect the wiring connecting to the heating element for any signs of damage or disconnection.
  • A malfunctioning control board might also prevent the heating element from working, though diagnosing and fixing this issue often requires professional help.

When to Call a Professional

  • If the problem persists after trying the basic reset and visual inspections.
  • If you’re not comfortable performing electrical tests or dealing with wiring.
  • If you suspect the issue is with the control board or complex electrical components.


Troubleshooting the heating element in your GE dishwasher involves a series of steps from performing a simple reset to checking the component itself. While some issues can be resolved with a basic reset or a visual inspection, others may require professional assistance, especially when it involves electrical components. Regular maintenance and timely attention to any operational issues can extend the life of your dishwasher and ensure its optimal performance.

Swift Taylor
Swift Taylor
Articles: 43

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